

Convert from the Sand Casting (SC) process to Investment Casting (IC); The advantages and case studies.

Convert from the Sand Casting (SC) process to Investment Casting (IC); The advantages and case studies.

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There are more than 10 casting processes used for casting metal parts in different industries worldwide. Each casting process has its own advantages and qualities to fit for certain requirements. Moreover, different metal parts have different complexity. So, choosing the right process for that complexity is very important. Here, in this blog we are going to give you detailed insight of two metal parts casting processes - Sand Casting (SC) and Investment Casting (IC) with the case studies.

While the sand casting process involves sand to create a mould for casting of metal, investment casting involves wax pattern to create a mould. But, that’s not the only difference between the processes. Sand casting suits for the low-volume production runs and for large components. However, investment casting is a time taking process due to more steps than sand casting involved in it. Sand casting is a suitable process for large parts while investment casting is the suitable process for medium to large parts. Investment casting is capable of producing complex parts with excellent surface finishes. And that’s why the investment casting process is also called ‘precision investment casting process’. A near net shape finish achieved by investment casting reduces the need for machining which helps save your overall project cost.

Why should you convert your process from Sand Casting to Investment Casting?

1. When you want near net shape and better surface finish for your metal components.

2. When there is a requirement to produce complex shape casting.

3. When you don’t have more time for machining or secondary processing (polishing, trimming, etc.)

4. When you want to incorporate logos, product IDs, numbers or texts onto the surface of your metal parts.

5. If you are facing problems in the sand casting process like porosity, etc.

Austin Alloy Cast is a well-established investment casting foundry based out of India offers the highest level of investment casting solutions to their customer-base in major EU countries and North America.

Case Studies of our clients converted Sand Casting (SC) process to Investment Casting (IC):

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One of our customers from Europe converted to an investment casting process from sand casting process for hydraulic cylinder products. They were getting cost benefit due to near et shape finish and lower need of machining. Converting to investment casting (IC) also helped them to get a better surface finish (aesthetic look) than sand casting.

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One of our customers from Turkey converted from sand casting due to better lead time and found the pricing we offer very competitive for investment casting (IC).

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An American company using a sand casting process was facing a quality issue (porosity) which made them look for another process option. They consulted us about the issue. Our consultative approach helped them find the solutions and they converted from sand casting to investment casting for their project. We successfully delivered them in bulk.

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