


Spirit of truly a global company: Austin Alloy Cast Pvt. Ltd.

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Austin Alloy Cast Pvt. Ltd. is truly a global company for investment casting solutions. As a buyer from developed nations like North America and Europe, why is it important to deal with a global company who can better understand your sourcing requirements? Let’s understand here.

For the requirement of industrial products like investment casting components, companies frequently have to work with subcontracting partners in the Best Cost Countries (BCC). The outsourcing experience could be distressing due to many obstacles like cultural differences, linguistic barriers and time zone differences.

Language is one of the major obstacles that buying companies may face during the process. But, due to cultural and geo-political reasons some countries are stubborn to accept languages other than local languages. Many times this becomes an obstacle in trading with them in spite of other positive aspects of theirs.

Sales agent network of Austin Alloy Cast is efficient enough to minimise the cultural, linguistic and time zone differences. They are not only equipped with the skills and subject expert but also well versed with the gamut of trading aspects of buyer’s region. We have exclusive sales representatives in North America, South America, Europe and APAC regions who work exclusively within their territory. Their primary role is to develop new customers but they also play an important role in communication post customer acquisition. We are proud to let you know that our Team can communicate in English, Hindi, Danish, Portuguese, German, French and Japanese.

A truly global company will always offer cohesive customer services which have excellent communication, technical competency, range of services, customer focus and easy accessibility. Our customer service team at Austin Alloy Cast leave no stone unturned to offer you above mentioned qualities at customer service.

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While attending investment casting queries our sales agent or customer support expert will act like a consultant who will guide you with technical details and offer the solutions instead of focusing on closing the deal.

Moreover, the solutions offered by Austin Alloy Cast are customised to match the requirements of investment casting in different regions worldwide.
Be it any sector or application, our highly qualified Team is capable of handling a wide range special alloys. We cater to worldwide customers in markets like Oil & Gas, Food Processing, General Engineering, Pulp & Paper, Heavy and Earth Moving Equipments.

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